Gorilla Adventure immerses players in an open-world, action-adventure platform game that unfolds within a nocturnal cityscape. In this game, the future's technological advancements have precipitated the downfall of the natural world, plunging players into a mysterious and eerie electronic realm. Embark on this journey and master the art of hammer swinging to set new records. Embrace the fury of Gorilla and get ready for an exhilarating climb to the top!

Gorilla Adventure


Gorilla Adventure immerses players in an open-world, action-adventure platform game that unfolds within a nocturnal cityscape. In this game, the future's technological advancements have precipitated the downfall of the natural world, plunging players into a mysterious and eerie electronic realm. Embark on this journey and master the art of hammer swinging to set new records. Embrace the fury of Gorilla and get ready for an exhilarating climb to the top!



- Use mouse to climb. - Use [C] to checkpoint.

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