"Fruits Scramble" is a captivating photo word scramble game with a fruity twist. Your challenge is to unscramble the letters to form the name of a fruit, and then tap the correct image that matches that name. Put your word and image recognition skills to the test in this delightful fruit-themed game. Can you unscramble all the words and identify the fruits? Give it a try now!

Fruits Scramble


"Fruits Scramble" is a captivating photo word scramble game with a fruity twist. Your challenge is to unscramble the letters to form the name of a fruit, and then tap the correct image that matches that name. Put your word and image recognition skills to the test in this delightful fruit-themed game. Can you unscramble all the words and identify the fruits? Give it a try now!

Developer: Lof Games


Use mouse or touch pad to play.

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